Friday, May 26, 2017

Captain to live

Captain asleep

When the National Lampoon magazine came out for January 1973, some people were upset, and some people laughed. Well, the dog was named "Cheeseface". Three years later someone came to the farm where he lived, and shot him dead. I believe, there are some countries where this could not have happened.

Cheeseface was assassinated. An assassination attempt was made on Andy Warhol, a successful assassination was made of John Lennon. Some people will be upset, that, i compared the lives/deaths of animals with people. No, that is not my point. A point is there are individuals that will kill a celebrity, because of the existence of the celebrity. There is another point of the insane having easy access to guns, but we cannot make that point because the gun fanatics will not allow such conversation. The magazine did not intend the dog's death, they forgot about his existence, but someone did kill Cheeseface because of the magazine cover's foto and copy.

What of a dog's violent death, dogs are property; and in America people were property too. The owner is entitled financial reimbursement, sometimes. The property has no rights, the property owner does.

I have two dogs, greyhounds. My first is Captain America. He is mine because he came in last place, the last three times he raced. Greyhound racing is an industry, a business. There are currently eighteen operating dog tracks in the U.S., twelve in Florida. Forty states do not allow tracks, recently Texas has allowed dog racing....because Texas. Dogs are property, the owner of property can value property as he wishes; sometimes that value becomes nothing. He is free to dispose of that property. The traditional way was to kill the dogs. It is hard to get a real figure, but the estimated figures are between two and twenty thousand dogs are killed yearly now in the U.S..

Now, some forty years ago, greyhound shelters and adoptions became organised. This is how i obtained my hounds. First this idea was poo-pooed, these dogs could not become pets. Why? Alexander of Macedon, and Odysseus of Ithaca had greyhounds, the faros of Egypt had greyhounds, the Mohammedan Arabs had greyhounds and their religion looks down on dogs, the aristocracy of Europe had greyhounds, George Washington's greyhound was called 'Cornwallis'.

Of course, if i had not adopted Captain, someone else would have and would give him a different name. I found Captain at a very caring shelter in Chagrin Falls. A year later, i was told, he and three other hounds were not supposed to have been there. They were to go to Michigan, but there was not room there. There are more greyhounds than places to care for them. If greyhounds were not available, i would have other dogs; but how would i not want Captain to live?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"roaching" in a tight spot

Cassius has begun to assume the postion

What you should know: in the cult of greyhound there is language novelties, jargon, that the initiates use regularly and uncircumscribed. First: everything a greyhound does is cute, and deserving of fair comment of approval and or wonder. 

Cassius is our second greyhound. He came to our home on April Fool's. He is a small male, and was more socialised with people than our first boy, Captain America. Captain had as his favorite furniture, a leather upholstered back of a large recliner. When the chair was delivered, years ago, it came in two pieces. The back hooks on to the seat. The original piece was imperfect, and the store delivered a new one, and told us to keep the first one. Well, for years it had no real use, it stayed in the basement. It is a fine bed for greyhounds. It was Captain's. Cassius decided on an arm chair.

Cassius likes to rest his muzzle on one of the arms. He also curls up on the seat. The last couple of nights he put himself to 'roaching'. This position includes legs up and akimbo. The arms of the chair prevents full body stretch. When Captain 'roaches', you can see how big of an animal he is.

The term, roaching, refers to the similarity in appearance to dead cockroaches. One greyhound joke is, "Play dead? My dog plays rigor mortis". Some say this a sleeping position, quite often the hound is awake and smiling. Neither of my hounds did this in house initially. They had to be familiar, and trusting of us, to do so.

People have asked me of whether i lost a couch? as they suppose this is the rumoured behaviour of greyhounds. Only in the last week or so has Cassius napped on a couch, and Captain only the last two-three days.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the 4th be with you

as Cassius was saying, "it is a matter of perspective...and...May the 4th be with you"

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

greyhound persistent

Salvador Dali. The Persistence of Memory. 1931. New York City.
Is living with greyhounds a surrealistic experience?  As you have learned through your reading, or viewing of nature programmes greyhounds are capable of great speed, and acceleration from a zero start. Cheetahs are faster. Greyhounds can surpass 40 miles per hour; but they would rather not. Greyhounds are long limbed, and very flexible; but sometimes just spill out over surfaces.
Cassius (left), Captain America (the other left). a few minutes ago.